Prayer of the Faithful
For 15th September 2024

Celebrant : Let us now offer our prayers and petitions to the Lord, who emptied himself for us, saying,

Response : Lord, hear our prayer.

  1. That our Holy Father, Bishops, Priests, and Religious entrusted with the responsibility of guiding the Church may be assisted by Christ, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  2. That the Church may move forward holding fast to the Synodal themes of communion, participation and mission, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  3. That in our families and small Christian Communities, we may imitate the self-emptying Christ through our selfless service to one another, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  4. That our world leaders may give up selfish interests and strive to put an end to wars and conflicts going around in the world and work for peace and justice, we pray to the Lord .... Response

(Pray for community and personal needs.... we pray to the Lord....)

Celebrant : God, our Father, we thank you for the gift of your Son Jesus who laid down his life for the salvation of all humanity, help us to live our lives amidst the pain and suffering we experience. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.