Prayer of the Faithful
For 9th March 2025

Celebrant : As we enter the season of Lent, we seek the Lord's presence in our distress for He helps us overcome temptations in our daily life.

Response : Lord, hear our prayer.

  1. That Pope Francis may be healed and strengthened, granting him peace of mind and heart and wisdom to guide the Church with renewed vigour, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  2. That the Church may resist the temptation to seek power, wealth or status, and instead, trust in God's plan and be humble servants to all, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  3. That world leaders may promote peace and harmony, working toward the stability and progress of all peoples, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  4. That as pilgrims of hope, we may follow the example of Jesus in overcoming temptation through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, growing closer to God in this holy season, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  5. That all women may enjoy the respect, dignity and protection they deserve, and be safeguarded from acts of abuse and violence, we pray to the Lord .... Response

(Pray for community and personal needs.... we pray to the Lord....)

Celebrant : Lord, it is good to give You thanks and praise as You listen to the prayers we make with faith in You and in Your Son Jesus who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.