Celebrant : Heavenly Father, with confidence in your love for us, we present to you our prayers and petitions.
Response : Lord, hear our prayer.
- For the Holy Father, Bishops, Priests, and Religious: that they may constantly radiate the glow and warmth of the light of Jesus Christ while fulfilling their vocational promises and duties, we pray to the Lord .... Response
- For our sisters and brothers who have consecrated their lives to God: that they may be strengthened in their vocation and remain steadfast in faith, hope, and love, we pray to the Lord .... Response
- For vocations to the priesthood and the religious life: that the ecclesial community may welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel called to serve Christ's mission, we pray to the Lord .... Response
- For His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, who has faithfully served the Church: that God may reward him for his years of dedication and grant him peace and joy in his retirement, we pray to the Lord .... Response
- For Archbishop John Rodrigues as he takes on his new responsibility: that the Holy Spirit may guide him with wisdom, humility, and strength, and that the Church grow in faith and unity under his leadership, we pray to the Lord .... Response
(Pray for community and personal needs.... we pray to the Lord....)
Celebrant : Abba Father, we, your children, present ourselves to your love and mercy. Our faith assures us that you have answered all our prayers, which we now make through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.