Prayer of the Faithful
For 22nd December 2024

Celebrant : As we draw closer to the celebration of the birth of Jesus, let us present our needs before God, who blessed us with the gift of Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, saying,

Response : Lord, hear our prayer.

  1. We pray for Pope Francis, Bishops, Clergy, and Religious leaders, that, like Mary, they may celebrate every encounter in their lives by proclaiming the good news of God's abiding presence, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  2. We pray for our government and our leaders, that they may show compassion and care in the decisions and programs they create for the people entrusted to their care, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  3. We pray for our children and youth, that, like John the Baptist, they may recognize Jesus in every experience and encounter, living as His disciples in the world, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  4. We pray for the days ahead, that our preparation during the Advent season may fill us with hope, joy, peace, and love as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, we pray to the Lord .... Response

(Pray for community and personal needs.... we pray to the Lord....)

Celebrant : May we always rejoice together, O God, in the joy of Your Son's coming, and may we persevere in receiving the blessings that flow from His glorious Incarnation. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.