Guidelines for the Celebration of Marriages
at Holy Family Church, Chakala;
Updated Guidelines August 2024 onwards
- Remember it is Jesus who is the centre of your marriage life. Spend some time daily in prayer either alone or as a couple
asking the Lord to guide you and be your support as you launch out on this new life together.
- In all your planning of the liturgy please see that it truly becomes a deep spiritual experience for both of you and for all
those who attend it.
- All sacraments are communitarian and thus we would be happy that you see that as many of your relatives and friends
attend the Eucharist.
- Please Note That No Single Couple Wedding Masses are Guaranteed At Holy Family.
- In order that your Wedding liturgy is truly meaningful and special to you, take time to choose your own readings, hymns,
write your own prayers (e.g. prayer of the faithful, thanksgiving prayers etc). While you may take the assistance of others
to help you plan your liturgy, please see that both of you work along with them.
- Plan much ahead of time and don’t leave anything for the last few days.
- See that you do the marriage preparation course around six months before your marriage. Get in touch with Snehalaya,
Family Service Centre, Victoria Church, L.J. Rd. Mahim Landline: +91 (022) 2444 8218, Mobile: 9321179831.
Check the Parish Notice board for the Course dates or their website: https://www.snehalayafamily.com/
- Meet your zonal priest 6 months before the wedding to have enough time for the necessary preparation and paper work.
- Papers that will be required:
- Recent baptism certificates (6 months within the date of marriage).
- We will require
that you both fill a Pre-Nuptial Enquiry form.(P.N.E.) in the presence of the priest.
- If you are abroad you will have to
fill an oath of free state in the presence of your priest and you will require to get a freedom to marry certificate from
your parish abroad.
- Banns & Results of Banns where domicile is of both parties.
- Permission of Parish
Priest, if marriage is in church other than of either party.
- Marriage Preparation course certificate.
- For a Disparity of cult marriage, (Catholic with a non Christian) we will also require:
- An Affidavit by the Non
Catholic party with some proof of the date of birth, name and parents’ names etc stating that the non-Christian party is not
being forced into this marriage etc (Format is available with us)
- Promise by Catholic party that he/she will practice
their faith and will do all in your power to have the children Baptised.
- We will have to apply to the Bishop for
Dispensation from the impediment of Disparity of Cult.
Please note: Banns are not published for disparity of cult
marriages. A Sworn testimony of witness and/or oath of free state (takes the place of banns); Marriage Preparation
course certificate
- NON-PARISHIONER MARRIAGES are allowed at Holy Family only if:
- They are ex-parishioners or closely
connected with our church;
- There is some special reason for which their Parish Priest requests us to have the marriage
here. At the time of booking a Wedding mass, we will require a Letter from your parish priest stating why the marriage
is being celebrated here and that he has no objection to it being celebrated here.
All the Marriage Paper work is to be done by your own parish and sent to our Church at least a week before the marriage.
Discuss & finalize the Liturgy with the priest celebrating your marriage.
You will need to give Rs 8000/- to any charitable trust of your choice and show us the receipt. You will need to give our
parish office Rs 2000/- for church’s expenses.
Non Parishioners will need to make arrangements for their own priest. (A letter/email from the priest will be required)
Please go through these ‘Guidelines for the celebration of marriages’. You will also find it on our parish website: https://www.holyfamilychurchchakala.com/information/marriage/
- Mass Timings for marriages:
- Timings for all wedding are at 3:00 pm and 4.30 pm. Parishioners are given a Preference & may book a mass as early as is
- 4:30 p.m. Mass: Is specifically for Parishioners. Non Parishioners may book this mass 3 months in advance, only if there
is no parishioners wedding.
- 3:00 p.m. Mass: The 3 p.m. Mass is for parishioners and non-Parishioners. Non Parishioners may book this mass 12
months in advance. If there is already a Parishioners Wedding, a Non Parishioner may also be allowed to join at this Mass.
- Plan your wedding liturgy with the priest who conducts your pre-nuptial enquiry. Keep in mind that on the Sundays of
Advent, Lent & Eastertide, the liturgy of the day must be followed. On weekdays and on Ordinary Sundays at Masses
outside the regular parish schedule, the special nuptial readings and prayers may be used.
- Printing of a booklet is not necessary, but if you do need it for the hymns, keep it simple and please do not print the
Scripture readings as these should be proclaimed from the Lectionary/Missal.
- Fix your choir in advance. If it is a regular mass check with the choir of the mass. Please discuss the choice of hymns
with the priest guiding you. For Sound arrangements, we have our own sound system and a maximum of three –mikes are
given to the Choir. Get in touch with our Sacristan for your needs.
- All Floral decoration should be modest and not overdone & should be discussed with the priest. (Maximum: Not more
than three bouquets in front of Altar, so that the flowers don‘t go beyond the sides of the altar). No fresh flowers are to be
attached to the pews and no tape. If you want, you may also place a bouquet in front of the Lectern, the wooden Cross
next to the choir & the statue of Mother Mary on the opposite side. Please inform our Sacristan much in advance. Note:
The Florist will be given one hour before the marriage time to put the bouquets in place. (They may do the flower
arrangements outside the church before that time).
- Ask the priest guiding you for the possible choice of readings. You may choose two or three readings that you both find
meaningful. The Readings, Prayer of the Faithful should be done by people with a capacity to effectively proclaim God’s
Word and not merely because they are relatives etc. They must wear the Lectors cape while doing the readings.
- Please see that you/the bride and the bridesmaids are, dressed in a proper attire for Church.
- The prayer of the faithful, while being personal and bringing in your own needs should also be open to prayers for larger
needs: The universally Church, the nation/world, the couple and other local needs.
- At the ‘Preparation of the Gifts’ the Bread and Wine for the celebration of the Eucharist may be brought forward. The
only other gifts that may be brought up to the Altar are gifts for the poor (Any brand Tea powder, any brand milk powder,
dals & food grains, tooth paste, soaps or towels - which will be distributed by our S.V.P) or gifts for the needs of the
church (albs, stoles, chasubles etc) but no token symbolic gifts. This is to be done without a commentary/prayer made.
The offertory hymn could be sung as the gifts are brought up to the altar.
- Please practice the marriage rite in advance so as to exchange your marriage vows in the most meaningful manner
- We do not allow any practice in the church, but we do hope your choir and readers practise somewhere and that all
involved in the liturgy know their parts.
- At least a week before the marriage, you are requested to give an envelope to the priest preparing you for marriage (with
your name and full address) containing your contribution to the church and another for the poor. A Church receipt will be
given to you for the same.
- Don’t forget to go for confession before your wedding day.
- Snacks after Mass & Our Zero Waste policy: We at Holy Family church are moving towards achieving Zero Waste on the
campus. Caterers are to use only reusable plates, glasses, and utensils for serving food and beverages. Please note that serving is
to be done in trays and not boxes as this will encourage persons to fellowship together. You may get in touch with our panel of
Caterers or get your own caterer. Please fill the separate form if you are bringing your own caterer.
- If you are getting your own priest to conduct the nuptials, the celebrant will need to send a letter or email to us
requesting permission. A delegation from us will be kept with the Sacristan before Mass.
- Concerning the Witnesses, both of them (one from the boy’s side and the other from the girl’s side) are to be mature.
They could be Non-Catholics/ Non-Christians too, as they are only witnessing that the marriage took place.
- Try your best to get as many of your friends/relatives to attend the nuptial mass. Their celebrating with you at the party
afterwards is only complete if they have first witnessed & prayed with & for you at the Eucharist.
- If you want Altar servers, you will have to make your own arrangements.
- For video shooting and photography. Only one photographer and one videographer will be permitted. You will have to
pay a sum of Rupees Rs 1000/- for the use of the video. Shooting of Video or Photographs is allowed at the following
- Entrance procession;
- Marriage rite;
- Bringing gifts to the Altar;
- Sign of Peace;
- Communion service;
- Signing of the Register;
- After Mass: only three photographs (max) in front of the Sanctuary;
- Procession out of the
Church &
- A outside the church and the campus. The videographer/photographer should be explicitly told not to move
around too much and not to enter the sanctuary.
- Please be on time. We would not want to start the Eucharist without you.
- We earnestly appeal to you to respect the environment and not contribute to sound pollution, hence, desist from bursting
crackers in the church compound or on the road outside the Church campus.
- Most important: Pray, Pray, Pray
Collect from the Office: In the days soon after the marriage, it is good to collect your Marriage Certificate from the Parish
Office and please go through it seeing that all the details are right.