Census 2024
Objective, Guidelines, Instructions
The Parish Census 2024 is being conducted to get an updated count of our actual parishioners so that the parish can plan programmes and activities to optimally cater to parishioners spiritual and other needs.
- All God's people - Parishioner or Non-parishioners - are welcome to participate in our church programmes and activities and be part of our Church groups & associations.
- The update of Census is only of families / individuals already registered and having Family Identification number.
- For New Registrations, a Registration Form is to be filled in at the Parish office.
- All 'Names' are to be filled in Capital letters.
- Date of Birth to be mentioned in DD-MM-YYYY format.
- Any Catholic person / Family physically residing within the Parish limits permanently.
- They may live in a Rented or Ownership house. Paying Guest will be included only if they have stayed in the parish for more than one year & have the intention of carrying on for at least another year.
- Families working in other cities or abroad who do not have a permanent residence there, and who come on holidays to their permanent residence in our parish. (These will be described as Non-Resident Parishioners).
- Anyone who has shifted out of the parish temporarily because of redevelopment or education and will return once completed. (These will be described as Non-Resident Parishioners).
- In the case of : Mixed marriage, (i.e. between a Catholic and a Protestant) or Disparity of Cult, (i.e. between a Catholic and a Non-Christian), the whole family is to be registered, and a mention to be made in the Remarks about which members are Non-Catholic / Non-Christian.
- Parents who have a house in the Parish but because of old age and no one to look after them here, are staying with their children outside the parish, will still be considered parishioners, on condition that they still have a house in the parish.
Persons who own a house in the Parish, but don't stay within the parish boundary.
If a family has shifted out of the parish & even though they say they plan to come back, we will remove their names & surely re-enter once they are back. This does not apply to families who have left the parish bec of redevelopment, wwork or education and plan to come back.
Parishioners who have shifted to another parish will need to register in their new parish. Of course while, they will no longer be parishioners, they are most welcome to participate in all our parish programmes, Groups & Associations.
- Will need to Delete names of those having no intention of returning and those who do not stay within the boundaries of our parish.
- The census will start on 1st August and we would like to finish the census by Sun, 25th Aug 2025.
- All are requested to show Kindness and understanding in dealing with each case.
Of Address, Spellings of Names or Surnames, cell number.
Addition of Name due to:
- Birth of a child.
- New addition to the Family / Change in Residence, Marriage.
Deletion of Names due to:
- Elderly who have shifted permanently to stay with their children will need to register in their new parishes.
- Death.
- Shifting of permanent residence, Marriage.
- Immigration of whole families outside the Parish & Migration.