Prayer of the Faithful
For Divine Mercy Sunday
For 14th April 2024

Celebrant : Jesus continues to encourage and strengthen the resolve of the disciples after his Resurrection. Let us ask the Lord for the same strength and courage to continue His mission begun by the apostles, saying,

Response : Lord, make us your Apostles.

  1. That the Pope, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Religious as representatives of Christ may proclaim His message with boldness and conviction, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  2. That as Christians, we may become more earnest in living and proclaiming our faith, so that the Christian witness of the gospel values may continue to influence people far and wide, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  3. For wisdom to elect leaders who will govern us with justice, equality and freedom; and who will be more interested in the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  4. For peace in the world, that nations may not enter into warfare, infringe the rights of other nations, and may not cause damage to the environment but preserve it for future generations, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  5. That the concerned authorities may make all arrangements for crossing the road in front of the Church - such as a signal for pedestrian crossing, zebra crossings, speed breakers etc. -- so that all our seniors, children and all other people may cross safely, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  6. For the victims of natural disasters around the world, especially those affected by earthquakes in Asia, we pray to the Lord .... Response

(Pray for community and personal needs.... we pray to the Lord....)

Celebrant : God, our Father, we thank you for the gift of your Son Jesus who reveals to us the mysteries of the Resurrection. Give us the grace to obtain eternal life by faithfully walking along with Jesus. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.