Holy Family Parish Mission Statement

On Easter Sunday 2002, the Parish Vision Statement was read to the Parish Community assembled for the Easter Vigil. It was an appropriate time for the reading, because it was a New Statement being read out on a Feast, which celebrated the Newness of Life itself in the Resurrection. The statement had been prepared after much consultation and deliberation and after having taken into account the views of everyone who responded to the numerous appeals made at different times to elicit their views.

The statement read as follows :


Each word in the Vision statement is loaded with meaning and chosen to convey a specific message.

Together symbolises the Communitarian dimension that characterises Christianity. I am my brother and sister’s keeper1. This would also signify promoting opportunities for lay leadership and participation, in keeping with the thought that the Mission is that of the Community rather than of the clergy or religious alone.

Towards symbolises the Pilgrim dimension of Christianity. We are moving as a community to the goal of the Kingdom. Our steps might be slow and small, but we are determined to move forward, nearer to the Kingdom with every step we take (Philippians 3,12-14).

Fullness of Life symbolises the Life that Jesus himself came to give2 . This “life” embraces all dimensions: the physical, emotional, economic, spiritual and intellectual. Our aim is to reach the ideal, which the first Christian Community reached, where “there was not one needy person among them”3.

Openness means specifically openness to those of other Faiths as also to Non-Believers. We would not only encourage but also positively foster ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, and reach out to alienated Christians as well as to non-believers4.

Involvement stands specifically for Participation in the “Secular” activities of the City/State/Country. This would involve participation in the civic sphere, political sphere with all that it entails, and striving to form Basic Human Communities which will be unafraid to call into account those who have charge over the City and its functioning.

1This attitude is contrary to Cain’s attitude in Genesis 4,9.
2John 10,10
3Acts 4,34
4GC 34, D 19, n.5.