Only Shroud Burials
at Holy Family Church, Chakala;
Guidelines April 2024 onwards

We extend our deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your loved one.
Do get in touch with our parish office, so we can help you with the church liturgy and Burial.

Please note the following:
  1. Priest praying at home: If you would like the priest to come to the home for the 'Prayer at Home' before the Body leaves, do inform our parish office.

  2. Information with regard to Shroud Burial at Holy Family Church, Chakala:
    1. Shroud Burial Only: A decision taken by our Parish: Starting from April 7th, 2024, Holy Family Cemetery will only permit shroud burials. Coffins of any kind, including half coffins or coffins without lids, are not allowed.
    2. Plywood Sheet: A plywood sheet may be placed below the body, but it is preferred if it can be removed after the body is lowered into the grave.
    3. Applicability: These guidelines apply to both permanent and temporary graves.
    4. Reusable Coffin: A reusable coffin is available either through the parish or from an undertaker.

  3. A Request: Please Avoid Synthetic Material at the time of burial
    We kindly request that synthetic clothing not be used for burial, as it impedes decomposition. Additionally, synthetic fabrics do not decompose themselves, and disposal can be problematic.

Thank you so much for cooperating with us.
God bless you
Fr Gerard Rodricks sj